Versatile Tiki Cocktail Recipe, The Malibu Wipeout

Versatile Tiki Cocktail Recipe, The Malibu Wipeout

Ok kids, here is a must have for your Tiki Rolodex. The Malibu Wipeout really has it all for anyone looking for that go-to, easy-to-make, versatile tropical drink.

In the almost infinite number of combinations of liquors, liqueurs, mixers and juices, Tiki culture is one that can swing from the most precise and traditional recipes to a Hell. anything goes attitude. At Buffet Beach we daily bow owner heads and pay homage to Don the Beachcomber and Vic Bergeron. No Tiki lover can honestly argue with the fact that sometimes you just want to mix up a quick, lite cocktail for while you cut the grass or mix a cooler full of libation for the crowd on a hot day at the beach. The perfect drink to live in this world is the Malibu Wipeout. Lite and fruity but not too sweet and very easy to make a glass a pitcher or a cooler full. I hope our fans don’t need to be told this but the recipe is for one cocktail. Simply x2, x5, x10 or x100 depending on how much you want to make.

The Malibu Wipeout Recipe

1 part coconut rum. Everyone is familiar with Malibu Rum. It is okay for this cocktail when made by the gallon, but if you want to make a better glass for yourself, we recommend using Koloa Kaua, a much higher-grade coconut rum from Hawaii.

1 part Vodka…. if you want a little less potent use 3/4 shot of Vodka.

2 parts Pineapple juice

2 parts Cranberry juice,

We know of no specific garnish associated with the Malibu Wipeout but it sure looks more festive when we throw in a bunch of orange slices and cherries into the pitcher or cooler.

And it is just that simple. Enjoy on a beautiful warm day with friends or just to treat yourself to a nice summertime cocktail.


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